Sarah Reilly - Part 1


Hello and welcome!

This month’s episode features Sarah Reilly - Founder and MD of Cred Consulting.

In property development circles, Cred are leaders in the fields of social planning, research and engagement. They play a pivotal role in advising government authorities and private developers how best to utilise their land to achieve optimum social outcomes.

We are all aware, particularly in Sydney, how bleak communities can become when planning frameworks are ill considered or site-based development approaches are the preferred or only viable method of delivery.

Aside from building out Cred’s experience in the field, Sarah has created a business that operates with extreme clarity in their purpose, values and mission.

Listen in to find out more about how Sarah has built Cred and her insights into why social planning should be front and centre in the initial planning phases of development projects.


Guest - Sarah Reilly - Cred Consulting

Host - Harry Karadimas - Pecunia Projects